ADHD Adult Resources

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects 5 percent of children who will carry the symptoms into adulthood. It is believed that 4 percent of the U.S. adults have ADHD have but few get either a diagnosed or treated for it.


If you have ADHD as an adult, more than likely it carried over from childhood. Some people received their diagnoses as children while others discovered their diagnosis as adults.  The following resources includes helpful information on Adults with ADHD:


Symptoms for adults may include the following:

  • Difficulty in organizing task at work including failing to meet deadlines.
  • Difficulty in sustaining mental work such as completing reports or paperwork assignments
  • Often misplaces keys, bills, wallet, and mobile phone
  • Difficulty in remembering daily routines including paying bills, refueling gas and keeping appointments
  • May have difficulty in paying attention to complete task such staying focused during a lengthy conversation.
Adult ADHD Testing

If you suspect you have ADHD, the following sites offer online symptoms testing. However for accurate diagnoses, you should see be seen by a medical professional.

ADDitude Magazine

ADD Resources

Adult ADHD Deficit Disorder Center of Maryland

Psych Central

Totally ADD

Resource Articles

The following articles include information on managing time, organization tools, anxiety, depression and what it means to have ADHD as an adult.

6 ways to manage clutter with ADHD

10 tips for living better with adult ADHD (Infographic)

15 best ADHD apps of 2016

29 things only a person with ADHD would understand

47 hacks people with ADD/ADHD use to stay on track

ADHD planners and organizers

Adult ADHD: Am I just lazy? Um no

Emotional management with ADHD

How ADHD affects relationships

How to overcome perfectionism when you have ADHD

Mindfulness for women with ADHD

Primary vs. secondary depression in adults with ADHD

What it’s like to have ADHD as a grown woman

What my worst days with ADHD feel like

Why having ADHD means you also have executive function disorder